Unnoticed by many, digital publishing is becoming a large business that employs thousands of people in India.
That is why Digipub World has been designed as a convention that keeps the digital publishers and their teams squarely at the centre of everything. Even the awards.
The Digipub Awards aim to recognise and reward inspiring initiatives by websites in India across a spectrum of parameters: from great content to brand partnership to overall user experience.
The Digipub Awards will also identify Websites of the Year in four categories.
The awards are designed specifically for traditional publishing sites – that is, they depend on content and advertising/subscription for their business model.
(The Digipub Awards are not open to other kinds of sites such as corporate websites and ecommerce sites. This awards is not open for bloggers and freelancers.)
In another first, applicants can compete under the ‘English’ category or under ‘Indian Languages’. Reason: English websites have had a headstart in India; over time there will be no language classification at Digipub Awards.
Creative use of native advertising to further a brand's communications objectives.
Participants could enter up to 3 pieces of work for each client per entry.
This would be an effort either through advertising or otherwise to build either a brand or an audience.
Best use of social media to promote content on the website
Sustained coverage of an important issue in a logical, systematic and insightful way.
Representation of information in a way that simplifies complex issues for the audience.
Pact between a publisher and a brand to promote a product or service
Participants could enter up to 3 pieces of work for each client per entry.
The innovation could relate to content, advertising, audience generation - or just about any initiative on the site. But it has to be original, make people sit up and say 'wow'.
The strategic use of video in a way as to attract and keep an audience on the website
Using the best possibilities of interactivity that the web offers to tell a great story.
Where the site is aesthetically appealing and yet functionally efficient.
Website of the year
Outstanding overall experience for a General News and Features site which persuades the target audience to come again and again and spend time.
*Important: For Website of the Year awards, entrants must submit basic information about traffic nos, growth or anything else that could help the jury make up its mind.
Outstanding overall experience for a Sports and Entertainment site which persuades the target audience to come again and again and spend time.
*Important: For Website of the Year awards, entrants must submit basic information about traffic nos, growth or anything else that could help the jury make up its mind.
Outstanding overall experience for a Lifestyle and Infotainment site which persuades the target audience to come again and again and spend time.
*Important: For Website of the Year awards, entrants must submit basic information about traffic nos, growth or anything else that could help the jury make up its mind.
Outstanding overall experience for a Business site which persuades the target audience to come again and again and spend time.
*Important: For Website of the Year awards, entrants must submit basic information about traffic nos, growth or anything else that could help the jury make up its mind.